Adult Ministries
We offer monthly and ongoing opportunities for adults to connect, discuss, and grow spiritually together. We have Home Groups and discipleship groups that reflect on each month’s sermon series. Learn more and join a group below.
Sunday School
We have a vibrant selection of Sunday Schools! Read below to learn all about our classes and how to get in touch with the class leaders.
Shepherd’s Class
Meets in the Lounge (Room 113) at 9:30 am
Group study and scholarly discussion led by former pastor Dr. J. David Miller. Primary emphasis on Biblical passages, parables, and the imperfect heroes God chose to grow and lead His flock. All opinions are welcome.
March Topic
Topics to be determined each Sunday
Contact: Marian Schmidt
Open Table
Meets in Room 125 at 9:30 am
This class is for folks who are single, partnered, married with kids or not, roughly 25-40 years old. If you're new to Belle Meade UMC and looking for a place to connect, we invite you to join us. Our name reflects our desire to build community, grow in our faith today, and share meals together!
March Topic
Following the Lenten Sunday sermon series through Easter led by class members
Contact: Shelby McConnell
Meets in Room 211 at 9:30 am
The WOW (Women of the Word) class is comprised of a small group of women who wish to know the Lord better and discern God’s will for us. Currently, we discuss the specific Scripture the pastor has chosen for that day's sermon.
March Topic
Studying the Book of James led by class members
Contact: Betty McAlister
Meets in Room 216 at 9:30 am
Logos studies the Bible with contemporary application in order to claim a promise from God for each member. There is a strong emphasis on prayer, discipleship, and glorifying God. The class setting is casual encouraging open discussion and interaction.
March Topics
3/9: "Ancient Egypt" in the Upper Room Class
3/16-3/30: Studying the Book of Genesis, Chapters 1 - 11 led by class members
Contact: Bruce Kauffman
Zoom and in-person, Room 217; Gather at 9:15 am, Lesson at 9:30 am
We tend to be a class of teachers in that we teach our own lessons. We enjoy fellowship at class parties and eating breakfast together monthly.
March Topics
3/9: Lenten program led by Lou Wilkin
3/16: Lenten program led by Lynn Kauffman
3/23: Lenten program by Marie Snell
3/30: Planning and Potluck
Contact: Lynn Christman
Upper Room
Zoom and in-person, Room 219; Gather at 9:15 am, Lesson at 9:30 am
Our primary focus is Bible Study, but other focuses include community and social issues and current and historical events, especially as they relate to Christianity. As a group, we support church-related needs as well as those outside our community. Fellowship and mutual support are key to our ethos.
March Topics
3/9: "Ancient Egypt" led by Kem Hinton
3/16: "A Study of Paul" led by Kinny Cosner
3/23-3/30: "A Lenten Study" led by Judy Wooldridge
Contact: Dianne Wild
The Gathering Place
Meets in Room 218 at 9:30 am
For parents of children and youth. We enjoy fellowship and a devotion each week. We will use material that is easy for anyone to engage and/or facilitate. Our goal is to connect with one another in this particular life stage and leave with a message of faith to mull over and apply to our daily lives.
March Topic
Studying Sunday scripture lessons for youth prepared by Steve Stone
Contact: Julia Perry
Small Groups
RAD is the Young Men's Ministry. They are a group of Really Awesome Dudes (RAD) that meet around 10 times a year for awesome social events to make meaningful connections and relationships among the young men in the church. RAD is also involved in church work days. RAD is open to men in their 20s-40s. For more information, contact Mark McGlothlin: mark.t.mcglothlin@gmail.com
FAB is a group of women in their 30s-40s that gathers one Friday night during even months (Feb, April, June, Aug, Oct, Dec) for food, fun, connection, and spiritual conversation. Depending on who you ask, FAB stands for Fabulous or Fun And Biblical. Our Friday night hangouts share the same name as our group. So come try out a FAB with FAB! We also have a Facebook Group where we connect and share life. For more information, contact Kara Miller: kara.jae.miller@gmail.com
Walk With Us
The Be Well walking group is continuing on! They’ll be meeting for walks twice a month. Come for a walk and get to know someone new. For more information, contact Marian Worley: marian.worley@gmail.com or Susan Meador: s.meador@comcast.net.
Knitting Group
Join the knitting group for a time of fellowship and crafting. Crocheters and other crafters are welcome, too! Bring your own project or help make prayer shawls and baby blankets for members of our community. The crafters meet on Tuesdays from 11:15 to 2:30 in the lounge and Wednesday evenings from 6 to 7 pm in the library. For more information, call Elizabeth Stith: 615-218-8355.
Intergenerational Dinner Group
This dinner group is a fun group for people looking to make friends and connect with other members of the church. Everyone is welcome, kids included, because this group values intergenerational gatherings! Dinners happen at different restaurants around Nashville. For more information, contact Stephanie Paha: spaha11@gmail.com
Home Groups
Are you searching for a small group? A Home Group might just be the fit for you! These consist of eight to twelve people and are intended to create community in a smaller, more personal setting. During this time, we invite you to meet weekly or biweekly, online or in-person, to participate in a bible study, pray, and enjoy fellowship! Home Groups are supplied with the sermon study guide every week or they can use the church's resource library to find studies.
If you're interested in a home group, email Pastor Sam with questions at sam@bellemeadeumc.org. She looks forward to getting you plugged in!
JOY (Just Older Youth)
This group is led by our older members who love God and enjoy growing in faith and fellowship together. All members, friends, family, and the public are welcome to participate.
We strive to offer a wide variety of events including educational programs (with lunch), day trips, dinners, and other activities throughout the year. Watch for information in the Belle Meade UMC weekly newsletter or the church bulletin for upcoming event details.
To RSVP to an event or learn more, please contact Rick Thiele at rthiele1@verizon.net or 703-615-5066.
United Women in Faith
The Belle Meade United Women in Faith has three mission circles: Priscilla Circle, Tabitha Circle, and Toma Dachi Circle. The goal of our mission circles is to form a community of women whose purpose is to know God, to develop a supportive fellowship, and to participate in missions that represent the global ministries of the church.
Any woman is invited to be a part of any of the circles in order to get to know other women in our church, to share food around the table, enjoy fun and fellowship, and to serve God by participating in mission projects that serve less fortunate people in our community. Being in a mission circle is an opportunity to be in a supportive group whose members are “the hands and feet of Jesus.” To learn more about the organization, check out the UWF website.
Priscilla Mission Circle
Meets the 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM in a member’s home
Leaders: Hannah Bond hannahbond8244@gmail.com (513.571.3411) & Lou Wilkin maestrak12349@yahoo.com (972.571.8283)
This circle is for all women. This group builds friendships by going out to dinner or eating in at circle meetings, by working together on mission projects like serving lunch to the homeless residents of Glencliff Village at Glencliff UMC in Nashville and sending cards to our church homebound.
Tabitha Circle
Meets the 3rd Monday of the month at 5 PM in the Community Room
Leader: Lynn Kauffman lynnkauffman@bellsouth.net (615.689.3569)
This is a circle for all women. The circle members build friendships by eating together at circle meetings, in restaurants, and in members’ homes. They work together to complete mission projects at church like care packages for BMUMC college freshmen or at a mission site like singing at Barton House.
Toma Dachi Circle
Meets the 1st Tuesday of the month at 2 PM in the Lounge
Leader: Judy Wooldridge judith.a.wooldridge@gmail.com (615.830.5220)
This daytime circle for all women meets from September to May with a break in January. Toma Dachi means circle of friendship, a perfect descriptor of this missions group that builds friendships as we: study about missions; communicate with missionaries via cards and letters; deepen our church’s contact with circle members who are homebound or living in senior facilities or near family away from Nashville. Annually we commit to a project beyond our UWF pledge to global mission causes—one example was providing household supplies for a facility serving families of children at a local hospital.