
Chapel Service

8:30 am in the White Chapel

A familial and laidback service with music led primarily by our congregation members. This service includes a Children's Sermon, a time of shared joys and concerns, and Holy Communion every Sunday. If you’re joining us online, say hello in the comments. We would love to connect with you.

Two distinct services. One church.

Sanctuary Service

10:30 am in the Sanctuary

A traditional service with music led by the Belle Meade Choir, Joyful Noise Children’s Choirs, Youth, Handbells, and instrumentalists. This service includes a Children's Sermon, Children’s Church and Holy Communion the first Sunday of the month. If you’re joining us online, say hello in the comments. We would love to connect with you.

March 9 Worship

8:30 Chapel

10:30 Sanctuary

Current Sermon Series

Our sermon series for Lent this year is Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus. For this 40-day season, we will journey with Jesus through the gospel of John and learn from the encounters he has with Nicodemus, The Woman at the Well, The Woman They Tried to Stone, The Man Born Blind, and Lazarus. We have several resources available for your spiritual growth this year!

1 - We will distribute free copies of the Sanctuary for Lent 2025, a booklet of devotionals written by Justin LaRosa, and a scripture reading plan so that you can show up to worship ready for our biblical encounters with Jesus.

2 - On Mondays, we will release episodes from our NEW Lent Meditations podcast brought to you by the worship committee!

3 - On Wednesdays, you are invited to join us for lay-led music and sharing, as well as enjoy reflective space in the Sanctuary from 6:15-6:50 PM. On Wed, March 12, we will hear from Rick Thiele (music) and Judy Wooldridge (speaker).

4 - Our Lent resource for families is also now available! Pick up your Passport to Lent to journey through this special season in an interactive way. You can get one in worship or kids SS from Pastor Gracie, or from the front desk in the lobby or the white worship bookshelf in the narthex.