The vision of Belle Meade United Methodist Church is to share the love of God and neighbor through Spiritual Growth, Missional Living, and Community Partnership.
The people of Belle Meade UMC are actively engaged in service in our community through ongoing support of and volunteerism with established agencies and organizations who serve the poor, hungry and homeless. In addition to service and volunteering, special communion offerings are designated to financially support an agency or organization committed to serving others.
If you would like to get involved in our church missions, please contact Melissa Vickroy.
Active Church Mission Areas
Educational Outreach & Community Partnerships
United4Hope HG Hill Middle School Partnership
Leader: Melissa Vickroy, melissaowilson@gmail.com
Partnership to provide ongoing Tutoring, Donations, and General School-wide Support
Last Minute School Supply Store — Leaders: Melissa Vickroy/Margaret Jordan
Hill Holiday Event for Students — Leader: Bea Thompson
Student Tutoring — Leader: Lynn Kauffman
Hillwood Summer Food Pantry — Leaders: Bea Thompson/Maggie Wilson
Nashville Diaper Connection — Leader: Apryl Evans
Project Transformation
Leaders: Lynn Kauffman, lynnkauffman@bellsouth.net & Clare Harney, claremharney@gmail.com
Summer Reading Program held at area UMCs for children in underserved neighborhoods. BMUMC provides funding and volunteers for one week each summer, as well as meals for summer interns.
Salt & Light Pantry
Leader: Skip Wild, pupperwild@gmail.com
A partnership with MNPD's West Precinct to address the nutritional needs of families in our community through ongoing collections & food drives. We currently collect items the second Wednesday of each month from 11 AM - 1 PM via a drive through collection at the church.
Items they collect: Shelf stable foods (canned meats, vegetables and fruits), boxed food (cereals, snacks, pastas, macaroni and cheese), water, beverages, personal hygiene items (soap, tooth paste, laundry detergent) baby food, infant formula and diapers. During cold months, in addition to food and the other usual needs, blankets, clothes, socks and other warm clothing are needed.
Creation Care Team
Leader: Michelle Scopel, earthgirlmichelle@gmail.com
Congregational "Green Team" tasked with creating onsite and community recycling and educational events around environmental stewardship.
New Partner Explorations
Projects addressing a lack of basic necessities, food or housing insecurities, and empowering those living in distress
Village @ Glencliff
Leader: Hannah Bond, hannahbond8244@gmail.com
A medical respite program consisting of 12 tiny homes created to provide people experiencing homelessness with a dignified and hospitable place for recovery after hospitalization. Options for service include donation drives and volunteers to help on the campus with gardening and cleanup events.Dream Streets
Leader: Julie Kropski, julie.kropski@gmail.comTheir mission is to protect and empower individuals living in distress. They offer many options for service, including a mobile food program, after-school arts programs, Teen Night, Sunday kids’ programs, and a community group for moms.
UMC Outreach
United Methodist Committee On Relief (UMCOR)
Offering financial & volunteer support for ongoing relief efforts in disaster areas.
United Women in Faith
Leader: Lynn Kauffman, lynnkauffman@bellsouth.net
UWF currently has four active circles of women meeting at BMUMC, and each is involved in missional projects.
Advocacy & Equity
Sensory Easter and Sensory Santa
Leader: Rev. Gracie Dugan, gracie@bellemeadeumc.org
These events are designed specifically for children with sensory processing disorders and other special needs, providing a safe space for them to experience the joy of Christmas and Easter on their own terms.
Gun Safety
Leader: Julie Kropski, julie.kropski@gmail.com
This group was formed in response to the Covenant School tragedy of March 2023. We have participated in advocacy events, written to legislators, offered care and financial assistance to Covenant School families, and hosted a panel on gun safety, seeking to connect the many entities that need to come together to create change.
Belinda Butler Childcare Assistance Fund
Leader: Kate Moore, kjmoore139@gmail.com
This fund provides need-based tuition assistance at BMCC to families who otherwise would not be able to access stable and high-quality child care. Recipients include teen parents who are seeking to further their education.
Other Service Opportunities
Worship Without Walls: Sunday, April 27th
A church-wide, intergenerational service event the Sunday after Easter, where we serve in the community as an act of worship in place of our typical Sunday morning service.
Merry Missions: Sunday, December 8th
Hands-on service opportunities throughout the Advent season, kicked off by a church-wide, intergenerational service event and lunch.