Youth Ministry
Grades 6 to 12
Mission and Values
Mission: We love and teach youth and families to be leaders and disciples of Christ.
Values: Who we strive to be as a community…
Inclusive: Accepting of all people
Authentic: Relating in a genuine and honest way
Christ-Centered: Following Jesus and the Spirit’s guidance
Compassionate: Showing love, respect, and kindness to everyone
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Sunday Mornings
Sunday School: 9:30-10:15 AM
We meet together in the Youth Lounge for a light breakfast and then we join in a brief lesson and discussion.
Confirmation: 9:30-10:15 AM (January - May)
6th graders meet each week during the spring semester (along with adult mentors who commit to walk alongside confirmands during this journey) to prepare them to be baptized or to confirm their baptism and become full members of the church. They are taught beliefs of the Christian faith, beliefs of the United Methodist church, and what it means to be a Christian. The class concludes at the end of the school-year with a special service in Sunday morning worship with the entire church to celebrate them being confirmed.
Sunday Nights
Youth Fellowship
Our Sunday Night Youth Fellowship is a time for community-building; where youth grow closer to each other and God.
Sunday Night Schedule
4:30 – 5:00 Gathering/Games and Mixers
5:00 – 5:15 Announcements and prayer
5:15 – 6:00 Talk/Small Groups
6:00 – 6:30 Closing/Meal
Trips & Events
Mission Trips
Each summer, our youth spend time sharing the love of God through serving others. Our past trips have involved building/repairing homes, teaching and playing with children, and working with orphanages. We travel both locally and internationally and have been to Mexico, Mississippi, Guatemala, Honduras, Tennessee, Texas, and Miami.
Retreats and Monthly Events
Throughout the year our youth love to connect via monthly events and various retreats and outings. Some of our retreats and outings include:
“Here’s Love” Valentine’s Banquet (our gift to our older adults)
Confirmation Retreat
Golf and Go karting
Harpeth River Float
Florida Beach Retreat
Youth Mission Trips
Summer Lock-in
Youth Kick-off (back to school event)
Fall Retreat
Youth Christmas Caroling & Christmas Party
New Year’s Revolution Lock-in