
Wednesday Night Class: Three Trees: The Beginning, Middle, and New Beginning of Creation's Story
Wednesdays, January 22-Feb 26 (No class Feb 12), 6–7 PM, Community Room 121
As we kick off a new year, let's focus on the God who makes all things new! In this five week course, Rev. David Hollis will share about his book Three Trees: The Beginning, Middle, and New Beginning of Creation's Story and invite everyone to look at timeless stories of our faith in new ways. Time will be spent in exciting discussion facilitated by David who loves questions and an appropriate amount of humor. While not required, purchasing the book before the course is encouraged. You can do so through Amazon (ISBN: 9780692923504). For more information or to sign-up, email David Hollis at

Tuesday Night Bible Study: Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws
Tuesdays: January 21-March 4, 2025 - 6:30-7:30 pm on ZOOM ONLY
In Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts and Outlaws, author Adam Hamilton explores the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus as told in the Gospel of Luke. Through Luke’s stories we find Jesus’ care and compassion for all as he welcomes sinners and outcasts. And through this study, we hear a hopeful and inspiring word for our lives today. The class will be reading together the book, watching the accompanying videos, discussing the material, and supporting one another in prayer. The study is led by Dr. Kinny Cosner and Bill Wilkin. Attendees will need to purchase the book and do the assigned readings prior to each class (available from Cokesbury or Amazon [ISBN: 9781791025045]). For more information or to sign up, email

Wednesday Night Documentary Series
Join us for a new documentary series offering on Wed nights, Oct 16-Nov 20 from 6-7 PM in the Community Room 121. First up is Facing North: Jefferson Street, Nashville, an NPT original. Facing North explores the legacy of the North Nashville corridor, a historically Black neighborhood with three HBCUs and a large cultural footprint in civil rights, the arts and medicine. Like many African American centers, this one was forever changed by interstate construction and now struggles to balance rejuvenation with gentrification. We will use two class periods to watch the documentary together and then discuss it on the third night. RSVP to Pastor Sam, or Brian Sigmon, to register.

Gospel of John: Beginners Guide to the Good News
Tuesdays, Oct 15-Nov 19, 6:30-7:30 PM, Zoom Only
This Tuesday night Bible study will be led by Dr. Kinny Cosner and Bill Wilkin, using Amy-Jill Levine’s book: The Gospel of John: A Beginner’s Guide to the Way, the Truth, and the Life and the accompanying videos. We will explore the world of the Gospel of John through Dr. Levine’s ability to unpack the stories in their original context, along with examining how the text is read today. Please purchase the book to read along with the Bible passages which is available from Cokesbury or Amazon (ISBN: 978-1791027926). To sign up or ask questions, please contact Bill Wilkin by email:

Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians
Location: Wednesdays, October 2–30, 6–7 PM, The Lounge
Facilitator: Dr. Kinny Cosner
What better way to explore our October theme of “Words Create Worlds” than by participating in a Wednesday night Bible study!? Dr. Kinny Cosner will be leading the Bible study on Ephesians on the five Wednesday nights in October. What world do we see being created through the words we find in “Ephesians?” What is the historical background of this letter? How has it informed our theology? Starting with an introduction to the letter in the first session, the class will be reading and studying the letter chapter by chapter in the next four sessions. For more information or to sign up, email Kinny Cosner,

A Journey into Forgiveness
Location: Wednesdays, Sept. 4–25, 6–7 PM, Community Room 121
Facilitator: Brian Sigmon
In this four-week class, we will read together and work through The Book of Forgiving: The Fourfold Path for Healing Ourselves and our World, by Desmond Tutu and Mpho Tutu. As chair of South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission in the wake of apartheid, Desmond Tutu learned much about forgiveness, how hard it is, and how life-giving it can be for individuals and communities. This class will not just be a study of the book or of forgiveness, but a journey into forgiveness where we will confront our need to forgive and to be forgiven.

Filling Your Cup: The Practice of Christian Mindfulness
Location: Aug. 21 & 28, 6-7 PM, Community Room
Facilitator: Rev. MaryJane Pierce Norton
Pastor Sam has challenged us all to consider what depletes us and what fills us. Mindfulness can fill us and help us live with an overflow. We will pay particular attention to five key marks of renewal in Christ: freedom, authenticity, rootedness, gratitude, and open compassion.

Youth Gospel & Games
Come join us Wednesday nights from 6-7 PM for this new bridge program between children’s and youth ministry. This will be a middle school focused program for youth in 6-8th grade that centers around a scripture passage and weekly game. This program will also provide a second option for 5th graders who are not in Joyful Noise Choir on Wednesday Nights.

Painting as a Spiritual Practice with Kelly Terrell Art
Join Kelly Terrell, local artist and church member, for a night of painting as a spiritual practice Wed, Aug 21 from 6-7 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Kelly will share her gifts and guide us in creating. No talent needed! This is a companion offering to our Fill My Cup series and is meant to invite you into the presence of God while doing something fun. You must RSVP by Aug 19 to attend. Email Pastor Sam, to sign up. Read more about Kelly Terrell Art:

The Gospel of Mark: A Beginner’s Guide to the Good News
Location: Tuesdays, Aug. 20-Oct. 8, 6:30-7:30 PM, Zoom only
Facilitators: Dr. Kinny Cosner & Bill Wilkin
Contact: Bill Wilkin,
This study will take us through Mark’s gospel chapter by chapter. As always, Dr. Levine is insightful with her work and opens up Mark in ways many of us may never have considered. Each session includes a video, discussion of the scripture and the study book, fellowship, and prayer.

Wednesday Night Book Study
Location: Community Room 121
Wednesday, April 10, we begin a video-based study of Wrestling with Doubt? Finding Faith by Adam Hamilton. This study, facilitated by Judy Wooldridge, focuses on doubts/questions that each of us faces. And most importantly, the book helps us to see that everyone has doubts. Contact Judy Wooldridge,, to sign up.

Wednesday Night Parenting Class
Location: Room 218
Parents and caregivers are invited to join us on Wednesdays, April 10, April 17 and May 1 from 6:00-7:00 PM for a 3 week study as we discover together how to create lasting faith in children and teens. Email Pastor Gracie Dugan,, if you plan to join us or would like to purchase the book (optional) for $10.

Tuesday Night Bible Study
Online Only
Using N.T. Wright’s book Into the Heart of Romans, participants will take a deep dive into Romans Chapter 8 over the course of 9 sessions. The book may be purchased from Cokesbury or Amazon (ISBN: 978-0310157748). Participants will need to read Chapter 1 for the first session on April 9. Contact Bill Wilkin, to sign up.

Wednesday Nights in Lent
Join us on Wednesday nights from 6:15-6:50 PM in the Sanctuary or online. Five lay speakers will share their thoughts on the I AM statements of Jesus. We will sing a hymn or song, hear a reflection, and have an extended period of music for prayer and contemplation.
March 20: I AM the way, truth, and the life - John 14:1-7
Speaker: Lindsay Bridges
Musicians: The Belle Meade Dulcimers - Marsha Arnold, Carol Cartwright, Georgia Hobb

Belle Meade 101
Are you new to Belle Meade and interested in learning more? Belle Meade 101 is a 4 week course offered by Rev. Sam McGlothlin and Rev. Mary Jane Pierce Norton. We explore United Methodist theology, history, and polity, as well as our local church’s history, vision, values, and ways for you and/or your family to get engaged! This is a great way to meet other newcomers to the church. We will gather every Sunday in February from 9:30-10:15 AM in the Chapel. Please RSVP to Pastor Sam,

Wednesday Night Study: On Purpose
6-7 pm in the Community Room 121
Our next Wednesday night study begins January 10 with a gathering time to get acquainted, and the actual study of On Purpose begins on January. The class will be co-led by Rev. Sam McGlothlin, Brian Sigmon, Rachael Jorstad, and Judy Wooldridge. Pastor Sam joined with other UMC pastors to write On Purpose: Finding God’s Voice in Your Passion in 2023. This book helps us see God’s purpose for our lives, points us to how we can open ourselves to God’s voice, and directs us in how to take the first or next step in following God’s call. Email Pastor Sam, to register. Books can be purchased on Amazon or Cokesbury, or there is 1 available for checkout in our Church Library.

Advent Sacred Space
Join us on Wednesdays in Advent to contemplate and celebrate this sacred season. On November 29 and December 6, we'll have stations set up in the Chapel. These meditative stations will be self-guided and are intended to provide a quiet respite in the midst of an otherwise chaotic season.

Parenting: Body Positivity, Nutrition, and Wellness
Nov 1, 8, 15 from 6:00-7:00 PM, Community Room 121
The Bible teaches that our bodies are wonderfully made and are temples of God’s Holy Spirit. Each week will focus on different aspects of nutritional wellness and offer practical tips for parents to implement at home. Teacher: Kara Miller, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, email to register

Living Joy-Full: Spirituality for Both Halves of our Lives
Nov 1, 8, 15 from 6:00-7:00 PM, Lounge
As we move from our October theme of “Wisdom” and into our November theme of “Joy-Full”, a study based on the writings of Richard Rohr is particularly fitting. Through the sessions we will take time to grow our souls and share with one another what helps us experience the light of God. Teacher: Rev. Mary Jane Pierce-Norton, email to register

Digital Media and the Wellness of Our Will
In this two-week conversation, Brian Sigmon will lead a discussion of the book Stand Out of Our Light, by Google strategist turned Oxford-trained philosopher James Williams. Learn what you can do to reclaim your attention and willpower so you can want "what you want to want” and learn why freeing our attention may be nothing less than “the defining moral and political task of the information age.” Purchase the book at Amazon or read for free via the publisher’s open-access PDF here.

Wednesday Night Reading Class
You are invited to join members of the UWF for our “literary society” discussions based on what we are reading through our national Reading Program. This year we have pledged to read books in the following categories: Spiritual Growth, Mission, Leadership Development, Social Action, and Community. We want to include any congregation members interested in book discussions to join us! Reading on your own? Come and recommend what books are opening new worlds for you. Not a reader but enjoy discussions? Come and participate for the fellowship! We will meet Wednesday nights May 3 to 17 from 6:15 to 6:50 in the Lounge. Please contact MaryJane Pierce Norton at with any questions.

Parenting Series
Parents, grandparents, and all who love children are invited to join Rev. Gracie Dugan on Wednesday Nights after Easter for a 3 week series on navigating challenging topics with kids ages birth-5th Grade. Each week we will focus on a different topic through the lens of child and faith development. These sessions will also offer practical tools for how we can navigate these topics with children and allow space for parents to bring their questions. We will meet in the church fellowship hall each week from 6pm-7pm for conversation and learning. The schedule is: April 12th: Talking with Kids About Death, Apr 19th: Parenting in the Digital Age, and Apr 26: Kids and Human Sexuality.

Wednesday Nights in Lent
Dinner is 5:00-6:00 in the Fellowship Hall. $12 for adults, $5 for kids, $30 cap for families. Programming is 6:15-6:50 in the Sanctuary or online. Five lay speakers will share their thoughts on each of the miracles we are examining. We will sing a hymn or song, hear a miracle reflection, and have an extended period of music for prayer and contemplation.

Virtual Small Group
Join us in Lent for a 6 week small group! We’ll be studying A.J. Levine’s book Signs and Wonders: A Beginner’s Guide to the Miracles of Jesus. Email Rachael, our online pastor, for the Zoom link!

Wednesday Night Class: Bible Study on Luke
Join us for a six-week study Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws, by Adam Hamilton. Taught by Amy Sigmon and Kara Miller, this study will explore the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus as told in the Gospel of Luke. Meets in the Lounge on Wednesday nights, from 6:00-7:00, January 11 through February 15.

Tuesday Night Bible Study: Invitation to Romans
Topic: Invitation to Romans: A Short-Term DISCIPLE Bible Study Dates: Tuesdays beginning January 10, 2023
Time: 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Location: Zoom only
Participants will need to purchase the Participant Book, Invitation to Romans by Pamela M. Eisenbaum from Cokesbury or Amazon.
To sign up or ask questions, please contact Dr. Kinny Cosner at or Bill Wilkin at

The Big Picture: Seeing God’s Dream For Your Life
Wednesday Night and Sunday Morning Class
Dates: Wednesdays on November 2, 9 & 16 from 6:00-7:00 in-person
Sundays on November 6, 13, 20 from 9:30-10:15 on Zoom
Book information: “The Big Picture” by Jevon Caldwell-Gross and Nicole Caldwell-Gross, available from or
Sign up for the class at the front desk, at Wed Dinner, or by emailing Pastor Sam,

Apocalyptic Literature in the Bible and Beyond
Wednesday Night Class
Dates: Wednesdays from November 2-16 from 6:00-7:00 in Room 217
Sign up for the class at the front desk, at Wed Dinner, or by emailing Brian Sigmon,