The Legacy Endowment
of Belle Meade UMC
Legacy Endowment
The Legacy Endowment allows one time gifts to be invested to produce an everlasting gift to Belle Meade United Methodist Church and its ministries. Funds are invested with The United Methodist Foundation for the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference in a broad conversative mix of stock and bonds that meet the social principles of The United Methodist Church. A portion of the investment income is used for physical needs for the church while maintaining the original gift.
ADA Ramp for Main Sanctuary
HVAC for Fellowship Hall
New Commercial Refrigerator for the Kitchen
Online Ministry Audio / Visual Equipment Chapel and Main Sanctuary
HVAC for Administrative Wing
Youth Lounge Renovation
White Chapel’s Carpet
New Stove and Ice Dispenser for the Kitchen
HVAC for White Chapel
Tween Classroom Renovation
New Telephone System
Legacy Endowment’s Impact
The Legacy Endowment has been critical to several projects being completed at Belle Meade United Methodist Church. In the past 15 years, the Legacy Endowment has funded over $275,000 worth of projects on our campus.
ADA Ramp for Main Sanctuary
HVAC for Fellowship Hall
New Commercial Refrigerator for the Kitchen
Online Ministry Audio / Visual Equipment Chapel and Main Sanctuary
HVAC for Administrative Wing
Youth Lounge Renovation
White Chapel’s Carpet
New Stove and Ice Dispenser for the Kitchen
HVAC for White Chapel
Tween Classroom Renovation
New Telephone System
What funds make up the Legacy Endowment?
The Legacy Endowment is made up of several sub-funds within the endowment. Each sub-fund meets specific needs of the church or honors designated families. Each fund is managed with the same conservative investment strategy while balancing the social principles of The United Methodist Church.
General Endowment Fund
Any undesignated gifts to the Legacy Endowment are placed in this fund. Income is used for unbudgeted physical needs of the church. There have been a host of building projects that have been paid for by the general endowment fund including the ADA wheelchair ramp outside of the sanctuary, several HVAC units, AV/Online Ministry equipment and much more.
The Belinda Butler Childcare Assistance Fund
This designated fund is in memory of Belinda Butler. It subsidizes the cost of tuition at Belle Meade Children's Center for qualified families.
Frances S. Stribling Property Fund
This designated fund is in memory of Frances Stribling. Income from this fund may be used for upkeep of grounds and building: Maintenance, care, improvements or additions to or construction of physical facilities.
Charles Martin Lukehart & Marilyn Orleana Lukehart Fund
This designated fund is in honor of the Lukehart family. Income from this fund may used for unbudgeted physical needs of Belle Meade UMC.
White Chapel / Willis Youth & Children Fund
This designated fund is to be used for unbudgeted physical needs for White Chapel, Youth Ministry and Children Ministry.
Hamp & Fran Burkhalter Fine Arts Fund
This designated fund is to be used for physical needs related to Fine Arts at the church.
Mission & Outreach Fund
This designated fund is to be used for physical needs related to Mission and Outreach at the church.
We have several ways to give to the Legacy Endowment!
You may drop off your donation directly to Cheryl Brown or Michael Deweese in the church office. Please indicate the gifts are for the endowment on the memo line of your church or via letter.
By Mail
Mail your donation directly to the church by using the following address. Please indicate the gifts are for the endowment on the memo line of your check or via letter.
Belle Meade United Methodist Church
Attn: Donations
121 Davidson Road
Nashville, TN 37205
Direct Stock Donations
For those who own stock that has appreciated in value, please consider talking to your broker about the tax advantage of direct stock donations to the church. These gifts may be given to the church for the endowment You or your broker may contact Michael Deweese at michael@bellemeadeumc.org for information on the church’s brokerage account as well as any specific information needed from your broker.
Estate Planning Education Series
Another mission of the Legacy Endowment committee is to provide financial and end of life education whenever possible for the congregation at Belle Meade UMC. The hope is to provide in person as well as virtual options throughout the year.
One such project is a 6 part video series detailing wills and health directives by our very own Martha Brooke. Martha Brooke has been practicing law for over 23 years in Tennessee with probate law being one of her specialties.
The information in the following videos does not, and are not intended to, constitute legal advice; all information is for general informational purposes only.