Music Ministry
Music is integral to our church life here at Belle Meade UMC!
Belle Meade Choir
The Belle Meade Choir sings during our 10:30 am worship services most Sundays. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings in the choir room from 7-8 PM with a short time of prayer and fellowship afterwards. All with a love of music and a desire to learn are encouraged to participate! For those who cannot attend Wednesday nights, we also rehearse for a short time on Sunday mornings at 10 am in the Sanctuary. Singing in a choir is good for your mental, physical, and spiritual health – come join us!
Joyful Noise Choir
The Joyful Noise choir is for children ages kindergarten to 5th grade. We meet on Wednesday nights from 6:15-7 PM in the Children’s Wing during the school year. The choir sings at our 10:30 worship service throughout the year and participates in special events like Lessons and Carols! All children are invited to come and sing songs, dance, and have fun!
OZ Tech Ministry
Do you enjoy being “the man behind the curtain”? Do you want to serve in worship in a non-music capacity? Are you just curious how cameras are moved and microphones muted? Come serve as a volunteer in our online live streaming ministry known as “OZ”! We would love to plug you into a rotation every 4-6 weeks! No experience is required! Families and youth can serve together. For more information email jb@bellemeadeumc.org.
Handbell Choir
The Belle Meade Handbell Choir plays several times during the year. Practices are on Sundays right after church when the handbell choir is in session. Please reach out if you are interested in learning more about handbells or becoming a ringer.
Instrumentalists & Soloists
If you play any kind of instrument, we welcome your talent! In addition, if you enjoy singing but don’t have time to commit to the choir, there are many ways to contribute. Special solos are a tradition here at Belle Meade, and we are ready to include you. Just let us know if you would like to play or sing. You have a home in the Music Ministry of Belle Meade!