Dinner is 5:00-6:00 in the Fellowship Hall. $12 for adults, $5 for kids, $30 cap for families. Programming is 6:15-6:50 in the Sanctuary or online. Five lay speakers will share their thoughts on each of the miracles we are examining. We will sing a hymn or song, hear a miracle reflection, and have an extended period of music for prayer and contemplation.
March 1 - Changing Water into Wine - John 2:1-11
Speaker: Kyle L. Brown, Musician: Justin Dugan
March 8 - Feeding 5,000+ with loaves and fishes - John 6:1-15
Speaker: Kara Miller, Musician: Debra Gordon
March 15 - Walking on Water - John 6:16-24
Speaker: Skip Wild, Musician: JB Taylor
March 22 - Healing a man born blind - John 9:1-7
Speaker: Brian Grisham, Musicians: Dulcimer ensemble- Georgia Hobb, Marsha Arnold, Carol Cartwright
March 29 - Raising Lazarus from the dead - John 11:38-44
Speaker: Debra Gordon, Musician: Bryan Jepson