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Join us on Wednesday, March 5, to kick off the Lenten Season. We will begin with a Shrove Pancake Dinner from 5:00-6:10 PM in the church Fellowship Hall. We will enjoy pancakes, bacon, cake, a festive photo booth and crafts! You are invited to wear your purple, green and gold mardi gras best in hopes of being crowned our Shrove King or Queen. Dinner is $12 for adults, $5 for kids, $30 max. To RSVP for dinner email After dinner, we will transition to the Sanctuary for our Ash Wednesday Service at 6:15 PM. This service begins the season of Lent, 40 days of walking closely with Jesus during his ministry, death, and resurrection. Nursery care will be provided from 6:00-7:00 PM for kids 3 and under.