The Bible teaches that our bodies are wonderfully made and are temples of God's Holy Spirit. As parents we have the immense task of navigating for ourselves and our children questions around body positivity, developing a positive relationship to food and nutritional wellness. Each week will focus on different aspects of nutritional wellness and offer practical tips for parents to implement at home. See the full description for each session here:
Teacher: Kara Miller, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, email to register
Nov 1: Staying Positive while Nourishing Our Kids
Normalizing eating patterns in children – teens
Discussing basics of development and weight gain prior to puberty
Encouraging language and keeping a positive focus around food – don’t let the dinner table be a battlefield
Building body confidence in our kids, starting with ourselves
Activity: Pedals of Worth + Kitchen Tasks for Kids
Nov 8: Mindful Eating
Discussing how our food rules and previous experiences influence our current food intakes
Understanding hunger and fullness cues
How to help your kids become mindful eaters
Activity: Understanding Your Food Rules + Mindful chocolate activity
Nov 15: Food Confidence through the Holidays
Building a Balanced Plate
Tips for the Holidays without focusing on calories or food rules
Q&A: Holiday concerns + tips to be successful (eg: family members that comment on bodies, overeating or stress eating, etc)